Tuesday 4 February 2014

A weekend of baking.....

So this weekend I decided that I wanted to start blogging and experimenting more with my baking.
I have been an avid baker from the age of 12 starting with some delightful Rock Buns covered in jam and coconut made from my mam's old Home Economics cook book.

Baking has become a major passion in my life and surprisingly I'm quite good at it (that's not me wanting to be big headed! It's friends and family telling me so and requesting more :) )

So anyways this weekend I had an order for a two tiered birthday cake and there has always been a style I wished to try....Ombre :)I love that word....so I asked if I could have free reign on it and she said yes! So below is my first ever ombre cake in both a smooth and petal style finish.  I am quite proud of it... if I do say so myself :)

So Sunday was supposed to be the day I got the house organised .... yeah right! One of my best talents that I discovered in college was procrastination!!! So instead of doing the entire house like I said I would I did the kitchen presses while husband did the hovering and mopping of the entire house (bless his cotton socks he's so good to me!) and then I got pretty board!

So after rearranging, cleaning, dusting and mopping I decided to undo the majority of our (well husband's) hard work and make some cupcakes I had been dying to try out.

Below are the results .....

Experiment number 1: a chocolate cola sponge with a salted peanut butter frosting! Oh my, Oh my, were they good... although the sponge was not the most chocolatey they were super moist and ever so tasty! And that frosting.... my new favourite thing (next to Reese's peanut butter cups of course)

Experiment no. 2: Snickerdoodle cupcakes.
I know these are a big thing in America but here in Ireland we have never heard of them so I had no idea what to expect but I knew cinnamon was involved so that's a hit with me! I wasn't really keen on the almond flavour to the sponge but with the cinnamon vanilla frosting it masked it well enough for me to enjoy 1 or 2 or 6 of them :) and I got a big thumbs up from my nephew which is a big bonus :)Again this sponge was super moist and soft and ever so easy to eat!

I do believe they'll be made again!

Thus ends my very first blog post... I am new to this so bear with me (that is if anyone except me is reading this) but I will get there and figure this all out!

Áine <3

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